Stuff made in 2021 that looks like it was made in 2006 is always inneresting to me
Stuff made in 2021 that looks like it was made in 2006 is always inneresting to me
i think the girl should have attacked the snowman but thats just me, like thats literally just my opinion that i'm entitiled to but also you know what they say abut opinions, theyre like assholes (everyone's got one and they all suck)
The aspect ratio is a neat artistic choice. It will go great on instagram and twitter, and quite possibly go viral.
I really don’t think the whole “its a twisted version of [popular thing]” is that great! And it’d be fine if it were done a few times, but these are on the NG front page all the time. The story isn’t interesting or outstanding either, this is just “HOW FUCKED UP CAN I MAKE THE OFFICE?!” I feel like all the back patting these cartoons get keeps these cartoons streamlined into a formula that won’t change or get interesting or anything.
I think the best NG stuff is the original stuff that comes through here, and I love NG for that. It’s tough seeing this stuff, cartoons that mean little except a grab at ad rev on YouTube and views, getting all the attention. I don’t get the impression that these are much more than that.
This has fun drawings and the stair fall is pretty well done. The inconsistency in the animation of the first few seconds is a little jarring (like the hair moving).
I'm glad someone finally made a break-through with re-animateds. This is a field that begs for change and you provided. The answer to a long list of boring bullshit that means nothing. I'm glad someone finally made something with meaning.
top contender for best of 2020 so far
A lot of good stuff in this one. It's a really good thing everyone had their usernames in each scene because some other reanimateds don't do that and it gets hard to look up the people who stand out.
Jojo references in reanimateds are pretty overdone. You don't need to rely on Jojo to be funny (especially a reference that might actually be in every single other reanimated to date). The Jojo scenes were pretty though!
Hah this cartoon was kinda awesome but not too awesome nah who am i kidding this $hizz B awesome! :D hahaha
goofin off -_-
Joined on 3/17/09