Seriously, great job on this, man. I need to watch more of your stuff.
Seriously, great job on this, man. I need to watch more of your stuff.
Thanks dude!
i showed this to my mom an she laughed very epic flash cartoon dude.....
I showed it To my Mom and she Grounded Me... I was like.... FUCK YOU MOM! YOUR Not even a good mom
Pretty good. Worthy of 3 stairs and a half.
The art was a little iffy. In some places, it looked really good, but in others, such as pretty much every drawing of Ash, it didn't look that great. The backgrounds like the bushes / tree in the very beginning were bland. I know it's a cartoon, but each bush-bump looked exactly the same. And the rocks in the wall of the cave's entrance looked odd. You might've been better without them. Not sure why Ash was smiling as he walked into the Zubat cave, either. Ash's shoe as he steps down to trigger the Pokemon battle looked pretty...meh, too.
I will say that the actual Pokemon battle setting looked cool! I HIGHLY recommend that you stray away from hand written looking fonts, though. That's -my- own personal tick. They just don't look good. But hey, if they float your boat, go ahead.
When Ash says "Pikachu, use thunderbolt", that whole little scene looks abd. Ash is too low on the screen and his arm and hand are drawn pretty stiff. It also looks like Ash is naked due to the lack of arm sleeve. Maybe I'm just weird.
Those are just a few things. Overall, the art could use some work. Kinda funny, though. It's definitely relatable (many times have I almost thrown my GameBoy on the ground due to a combination of a Zubat encounters and one last Pokemon with HP in the single digits). You've definitely got loads of potential. YOU CAN GO THE DISTANCE. YOU CAN GO THE WAY.
Thank you, I'm glad not everyone is just saying "oh yeah your art could improve" but this comment has helped me a lot and given me a lot to think about for future animations, thanks a lot for the help! :)
Hey, you're a pretty good animator! This was a decent parody, though parodies aren't really -my- personal thing. But even so, I thought it was funny. I laughed at the somersault, actually.
My recommendation is that you DON'T use a kazoo for background music. Try to be original with that, don't just copy Oney's Dragonzball Pee stuff.
But either way, good job on this. 4 stairs.
Hey! Thanks I appreciate the criticism. Honestly, I did the kazoo before I knew about Oney's stuff but I do see the similarity. And I also am trying to do my own thing, not just more of what others do, good as it is. I also have ideas for non-parody stuff which I'll try to have up soon.
Woah, I assume you took a bit of inspiration from the Ren and Stimpy episode "A Visit to Anthony" for the character design.
This was a really great short. Great job!
We love Ren and Stimpy!
Pretty good. Story was a bit short, but I guess size doesn't totally matter. Animation could've been better, too, but overall, it was a pretty good improvement over what I last saw from you. You've got a pretty darn good amount of potential. YOU CAN GO THE DISTANCE.
Thank you! :D We're working on a new episode, (A new years one), and we've got a few lines recorded. YAAAAY!
You've improved a LOT since Snowballs.
I love the animation in this, and the line art is great, too. I can't give you a real critique because it's late at night and I'm tired as all fuck, but good job.
Haha, thanks man, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Wow, Turtleco...
I've never seen any animation from you, before. You have some badass skills in animations, man. MOAR, because one day, your stuff will get you somewhere.
If you really wanted to, you could make something REALLY great.
5'd and 10'd.
fuck animation, its gay and shit.
Being a technology person, I had to watch.
I admit, I laughed. Good job, bro.
The only thing is, at the end, you put a Blackberry as one of the Motorola Xoom's children. BlackBerry has nothing to do with any Android device.
But I don't expect anyone to know about that, lol.
Good job, bro.
Lol well that's the whole point, if he's a child... With nothing in common with the other devices... Related to the xoom though as his "son"... He's an adopted child xD plus you'd probably tell by the random voice he has that he's an adopted child xD
Anyways I'm glad you enjoyed it :) also glad it made ya laugh :D
goofin off -_-
Joined on 3/17/09