It literally looks like a real cartoon, like it all really happened.
It literally looks like a real cartoon, like it all really happened.
I thought Christmas was ruined until I saw this. This cartoon gave me the xmas cheer I needed to stop myself from drinking 6 bottles of egg nog and jumping off the chimney. Very unique and charming, a Cokeventures standard that rings truer and truer with each new toon.
Thank you for this jontoon. It came out beautifully. I’m super glad to see another jontoon come to fruition : D I love your cartoons because you love cartoons and it always shows.
Are you talking about rogerlox? That guy trolled me the other day and I fell for it like a sucker. Sounds like I got "lox'd" again!
Urbs said this is "lepycore" so I'm gonna give it a 5
Starting the new year off right...WITH A NEW COKE TOON! 8 D
This is a good take on Newgrounds nostalgia, I can't help but leave a review. I guess it's the solid drawings and wearing the low-smoothing flash brush on your sleeve. Fungasmy, nogfishy, (mindchambery but that's obvious) there's more but those are the only ones that pop into my head at the moment. It very much reminds me of coming to Newgrounds around 2010 and finding something that really impressed me and watching it over and over again. Nostalgia aside, there's a lot of good drawings and good hands and overall this just looks fun. Gud stuph!!!!!!!
Alright, here's the story: I sent this to my friend Andre saying "Andre, this looks like you from the future" and he said "oh yeah, I saw this when I went to a fortune teller and she showed me this in her crystal ball" and we all laughed and I honestly thought that was going to be the end of it. I really did.
A few seconds later, Andre asks "Hey, do you want to vote 5 stars on this with me?" and I watch it and I'm like "Well I wouldn't normally vote 5 stars on this, it's just a short thing" and then he tells me to go Shakespeare on his ass like "shall I compare thee to a 5 star review" and I'm like "but I'm not going to give it 5 stars, it's not amazing but it's not bad, it's just like an after effects test or something" and he's like "okay well just say that" so here we are. I'm not giving this a 5 star review because it's not amazing, but it's not offensive or anything. It's just a guy eating a burrito with some average AFX lighting!
Thanks man! no bother
anyone else catch the glasses error?
goofin off -_-
Joined on 3/17/09